Approach and Lotuscript Help files:
Example Databases:
This is a small archive of example database applications developed for Lotus Approach. The applications have been submitted by the developer and are available for you to download and install. The applications vary in quality, but all are useful as a source of ideas and to demonstrate various design techniques.
Just click on the application you wish to download and save it on your hard drive. Then execute the archive by clicking on it in Windows Explorer and the archive will automatically install the database application in the directory you nominate on your hard drive. The default directory is c:\lotus\approach\demo which is a good one to start with, especially if you have any difficulties. If you want to have a look at what makes the database application tick, but can't seem to get into design mode, try CTRL-D! If you want to look at the LotusScripts just press CTRL-K.
- Job management database
- This gem from Mark Pearson is a great looking database application which demonstrates all the elements of building an easy to use secure front end to a database for manage the million and one maintenance jobs needed to keep everything running smoothly in a large (or small) business premises. Extensive use of Dialogs and list views. Built for v9.8 on Windows XP (but it seemed to work ok when I gave it a quick test run on v9.5 on a Windows 98 computer). Mark writes, "I am noticing that on some machines there are issues at times with the dialog boxes. I believe this is to do with graphics capabilities of the individual machine. Recommend no more than 1024 x 768 resolution unless people have really good graphics drivers." There is a password access of "admin" allows people to use the database but does not allow them into design mode.To get into design mode use the password "317146". [File size: Compressed = 116kb, "uncompressed" = 898kb]
- Using Microsoft’s GDI+ API’s from LotusScript
- This application demonstrates some advanced LotusScript techniques. It shows how to call Microsoft’s GDI+ API’s from LotusScript by loading an image into a LotusImage control and saving the image as JPG. The interesting thing about the sample is it’s use of OLE StdPicture, StrPtr and VarPtr equivalents for LotusScript. Additional information can be found in the apr. [File size: Compressed = 271kb, "uncompressed" = 384kb]
- Community Health Club membership management
- Including attendance, court bookings, finances, direct debits upload facility for monthly accounts, and much more [File size: Compressed = 796kb, "uncompressed" = 6.03mb]
- Staff management system (allowances, overtime,...) with individual user logon
- As the title describes! This application demonstrates a host of interesting techniques, so it's well worth a look. NOTE: YOU MUST READ the readme.txt enclosed with the files in order to get the initial passwords [File size: Compressed = 561kb, "uncompressed" = 5.14mb]
- Inserting a new blank record at the top of a repeating panel
- Illustrates how to use a "timestamp" field to insert a new record at the top of a Repeating Panel [File size: Compressed = 80kb, "uncompressed" = 20kb, really!]
- Find by Form as Dialog
- Illustrates a number of neat but tricky routines in LotusScript, including how to use a Form view as a dialog box, and populating variable fields Finds activated by multiple key presses [File size: Compressed = 168kb, "uncompressed" = 309kb]
- Writing HTML and text files from Approach
- Demonstrates the use of LotusScripts to create web pages and text files. Each record in the database contains additional explanations about how to use it and how it works. [File size: Compressed = 104kb, "uncompressed" = 130kb (really!). Designed with Approach 9.7 on WindowsXP, but it work on earlier version of Approach and Windows. It certainly works perfectly on v9.5 on Windows 98]
- Limiting the options in a drop down list using an Alias table
- See FAQ article 'Limiting the options in a drop down list using an Alias table' [File size: Compressed = 42kb, "uncompressed" = 30kb (really!). Designed for Approach 97 or later]
- Using a Picture object to replace a PicturePlus field from
- This database demonstrates how to use a Picture object for storing images database in order to avoid all the problems associated with PicturePlus fields [File size: Compressed = 163kb, uncompressed = 205kb. Designed for Approach 97 or later]
- Address Book and Rolodex
- Includes a basic rolodex type view with a find by alpha, some basic shipping labels, printable phone book. Entry fields for birthdays, company name, email address, last time updated, Christmas card list, and link buttons for emailing in Outlook Express. [File size: Compressed = 72kb, uncompressed = 158kb. Designed for Approach 97]
- Medication Sample Tracking Database (Updated 12th October, 2000)
- The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations (JCAHO) requires hospitals and clinics associated with them to keep extensive records for the medication samples they dispense. This Lotus Approach file and database was designed to make that task a little easier. The DBF file is in DBIII format. It was created using Alpha4V4 for DOS. The APR file was created using Lotus Approach for OS/2 Warp 4 and is of the same format used by Approach R9 for Windows. There are some dummy entries in the DBF file and a non-functioning script for you to play with in the APR file. The creator of this database (Mark Davis) would like to hear any comments or criticisms, or suggestions for improvements. Read the text file included in the download. NOTE: This download is a .zip file from the creators website and is not a self-extracting archive as described in the introduction.
- Student management database
- A student management database application particular to residential colleges developed by Mark Pearson. It demonstrates a whole host of design techniques including custom menus, dialog boxes, and extensive use of macros to make the user's life much easier. [File size: Compressed = 255kb, uncompressed = 1.3mb. Designed for Approach 97 on MS-Windows 95]
- Tugalong Station Guest management database
- A database application developed to manage the bookings, invoices, mailouts, meals, rooms, cleaning, activities, reports and statistics at Tugalong Station (Australian for "Ranch") [File size: Compressed = 63kb, uncompressed = 238kb. Designed for Approach 97 on MS-Windows 95]
- Sales Reporting Application
- A Sales Reporting Application using Approach as a query and reporting tool for Notes, using Notes/FX 1.1. [File size: Compressed = 688kb, uncompressed= 3.98MB]
- Sales, Inventory and Billing Management
- Designed for Windows 95 [File size: Compressed = 347kb, uncompressed =2.46MB]
- Lotus Dialogs and LotusControls in an Approach application
26/01/2024 - A sample Approach application from written by Paul Bent which demonstrates the use of Lotus Dialogs and LotusControls in an Approach application [File size: Compressed = 735kb, uncompressed =2.06MB]
- Auction application which awards the item to the winning bid
26/01/2024 - This example application from Paul Bent, Northwind IT Systems uses LotusScript and SQL to manipulate dBaseIV files without using macros [File size: Compressed = 41kb, uncompressed =179kb]
- Calculate Elapsed Time Sample
26/01/2024 - An example application from Cross-W Systems [File size: Compressed = 15kb, uncompressed =56kb]
- ResultSet example databases and tutorial
26/01/2024 - Five tutorials (in Word Pro file format) and four applications which demonstrate how to use the principals involved [File size: Compressed = 206kb, uncompressed =712kb]
- XpertSS Lister
27/01/2024 - Documents the MACROS and NAMED FIND/SORTS used in Lotus Approach .APR files. This overcomes deficiencies in Approach’s built-in documentation capabilities where macros are only partially printed one-at-a-time and named find/sorts have no print capability at all. The password to enter design mode in Xdocmacros.apr is dweezle. The Lotusscripts in Xdocmacros show how to (1) interrogate the document properties of another apr (2) use result sets (3) how to update dbf files in scripts and a few other tidbits that might help someone. Developed by John Bluma and originally marketed by XpertSS [File size: Compressed = 518kb, uncompressed =99kb]
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LotusScript Object (.lso) files:
An .lso file is a 'binary' library of global lotus script (lss) routines. .lso files are created by exporting them from an .apr (File > Export Globals As LSO)
- Connectivity.lso
- This library of subs provides solutions to three common limitations encountered by Approach developers and users: 1) How do I create email? 2) How do I open a Web page? 3) How do I open a particular file? The individual Subs included in this library can be used in exactly the same way as other Globally defined LotusScript Subs. By Russell Bates
- aprscript.lso
- The AprScript utility is used to create an export of all scripts in an .apr file.
The default format is a text file which is created in the same directory as the apr, suffixed with "_Scripts.txt"
If all scripts are small enough to fit into dbt memo fields the utility will prompt you to create a dbf. By Keith Seeley
- NWPopup
8/02/2024 - This library from Northwind IT Systems and distributed by provides the XPop object which represents a popup menu and all its items and submenus with unlimited levels of submenus. It displays the popup menus and returns the operator's selection. It can be used with any version of Approach that includes LotusScript. [File size: Compressed = 555kb, uncompressed =647kb]
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