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Limitations of Approach
Last updated: 15 Nov 2003 by XpertSS.com
(also see 'dBase IV limitations' in this FAQ)
- maximum number of views (ie forms, worksheets, crosstabs, reports,...) per .apr = 100
- maximum of 5 pages per form type view for v96 and later; 1 page per form for v2.1 & v3.0*
- maximum of 20 charts per .apr (see 'Maximum of 20 charts per .apr' article)
- maximum of 20 crosstabs per .apr
- Maximum number of summary panels in a report = 8
- maximum rows displayed in a repeating panel = 30
- maximum number of characters in a calc field formula or find condition formula is 255
- maximum of 30 imbedded IF's in v3.02 (see 'IF limitations in v3.0*' article)
- maximum number of joins you can create between unique databases (that will be read-write) in one .APR file is 30. Any database joins you create after that will be read-only, up to a limit of 50 joins.
- maximum of 450 characters in all the joined fields per .apr (but no limit to the number of actual joins).
- circular joins are not allowed, but you can create an "alias" of a database and join it as appropriate. An "alias" is a "virtual copy" of the selected database. These joins count toward the other limits.
- field types not allowed in a join are: Boolean, Memo, PicturePlus, Variable (these types are not displayed in the join dialog)
- calculated fields cannot be used in a join unless they reference only fields in one database and constants, and if they are not summary type fields.
- maximum number of characters in a variable type field of type text is 254
- maximum number of fields used in a sort = 255
- maximum of 340 characters in the text area of a MESSAGE command in a macro. Note that you can type more than 340 characters there, but if you save the .apr file it will crash on opening.
- maximum of 160 characters in a text string when using the SET command in a macro. This limit applies to all versions of Approach prior to v9.8
- maximum size of a string variable in LotusScript in v9.1 and earlier = 32,000 characters. In V9.5 and later it is limited only by your computer's available memory.
- maximum number of concurrent users of a .apr file = 16
- Maximum number of dBase database tables open at once = 29 (Approach produces and error on opening the 30th)
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