Last updated: 13 Jul 1999
Create an macro that performs the required export to a set filename (say c:\temp\tempdata.dbf), then runs the script shown below. The script copies the exported file to the desired diskdrive, filename and directory contained in a variable field (VarField). For the script to work, the variable field must be displayed on the current view.
Sub Rename
Dim filename As String
filename$ = Cstr(currentview.body.VarField.text)
Filecopy "c:\temp\tempdata.dbf", filename$
End Sub
If you want the variable field to only contain the filename then use the following variation:
Sub Rename
Dim filename As String
filename$ = Cstr(currentview.body.VarField.text)
Filecopy "c:\temp\tempdata.dbf", "c:\path\"&filename$&".dbf"
End Sub
If you don't know the path name of the destination file (because it's on a network, or installed on different computers), you could use the LotusScript function in article "Getting the path of a database file" in this FAQ.
The next script basically does the same thing as the first, except that it renames the file rather than creating a new copy of it.
Sub MyReName
Name "c:\temp\tempdata.dbf" As filename$
End Sub