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Last updated: before December, 1998
'Written by Jerry Sikes, 1996 '(C) Copyright 1996 by Jerry Sikes, Unisource Conveting ' 'Permission is granted to freely copy this script in electronic form, 'or to print for personal use. It may be use in any Approach database, 'but may not be distributed for profit either by itself or as part of 'a collection or database. My company produces envelopes, roughly 8 million per day. Many envelopes have windows cut into them so address, postal barcodes or other information may be displayed. We have about 250 double window dies of various configurations. LotusScript made it possible to accurately draw rounded rectangles of each die, exactly to scale and proportion. The first time a die is input, we use the the size and positional data based on that job. Approach, through formulas, determines absolute coordinates. This is used to compare requests for the same proportions, but perhaps a differant positioning of the die relative to the left and bottom of an envelope. I will not get into the search criteria used in finds. This script shows how to manipulate screen objects locations and size. For referance, 1 inch = 1440 twips. A twip (TWentIeth of a Point) is a measurement equal to 1/1440th of an inch. For referance, input for each window (2 per double die) is, width, height, distance from left edge of envelope to left edge of each die and distance from bottom of envelope to bottom of each die as numeric 2.4. The intersection of the left edge of the left most die and the bottom of the lowest die become coordinates (0, 0). The coordinates for the four corners for each window are then calculated. (X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4. Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, Y_4) Sub Click(Source As Button, X As Long, Y As Long, Flags As Long) Dim ln As LINEOBJECT Dim rb As ROUNDRECT Set rb=Source.body.ObjRoundRect1 rb.Left = 2880+(1440*Val(SOURCE.x_1.TEXT)) 'The 2880 keeps the result no closer than 2 inches from the left of the form rb.Top = 8640-(1440*Val(source.y_1.TEXT)) '8640 is 6 inches from top rb.Width = 1440*Val(source.SIZE_WIDTH_1.TEXT) rb.Height = 1440*Val(SOURCE.SIZE_HEIGHT_1.TEXT) rb.NamedStyle="Default" rb.Background.Color.SetRGB(COLOR_CORNFLOWER) Set rb=Source.body.ObjRoundRect2 rb.Left = 2880+(1440*Val(SOURCE.x_3.TEXT)) rb.Top = 8640-(1440*Val(source.y_3.TEXT)) rb.Width = 1440*Val(source.SIZE_WIDTH_2.TEXT) rb.Height = 1440*Val(SOURCE.SIZE_HEIGHT_2.TEXT) rb.NamedStyle="Default" rb.Background.Color.SetRGB(COLOR_CORNFLOWER) Set ln=Source.body.objLine2 ln.Left = 2880 Set ln=Source.body.objLine3 ln.Top = 8640 'objLine2 & 3 are my 0,0 referance lines Set ln=Source.body.objLine21 If Val(source.x_1.text)>Val(source.x_3.text) Then ln.Left = 2880+(1440*Val(source.x_1.text)) Else ln.Left = 2880+(1440*Val(source.x_3.text)) End If Set ln=Source.body.objLine31 If Val(source.y_2.text)>Val(source.y_4.text) Then ln.Top = 8640-(1440*Val(source.y_2.text)) Else ln.Top = 8640-(1440*Val(source.y_4.text)) End If 'objLine21 and 31 float as necessary End Sub