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Last updated: before December, 1998
'Written by Jerry Sikes, 1997 '(C) Copyright 1997 by Jerry Sikes ' 'Permission is granted to freely copy this script in electronic form, 'or to print for personal use. It may be use in any Approach database, 'but may not be distributed for profit either by itself or as part of 'a collection or database. ' 'Disclaimer: This script is provided as is without any express or implied 'warranties. The author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, 'or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein
Sub Click(Source As Button, X As Long, Y As Long, Flags As Long) Dim CON As New CONNECTION Dim QRY As New QUERY Dim RS As New RESULTSET jobcode = Inputbox$("Please Enter Job Number?","Notes Query",,144,144) If jobcode = "" Then Goto Finish If (CON.connectto("Lotus Notes - Workspace", , ,"Production Orders.nsf")<>False)Then ‘the actual NSF is prod_env.nsf. Approach recognizes the formal database title as shown if you opened a Lotus Notes Workspace from Approach. This syntax forces Approach to ask for a log in, using the current user id. The session remains active until you quit Approach, even though I’m forcing a disconnect at the end of this script. Set QRY.CONNECTION = CON QRY.TABLENAME = "SPECIALS" ‘ SPECIALS is a form name. A view name could have been used QRY.SQL = "SELECT * FROM""Production Orders.nsf\SPECIALS"" SPECIALS WHERE (SPECIALS.job_no = '"+jobcode+"')" Set rs.query = qry If((rs.execute)<>False)Then currentapplication.applicationwindow.domenucommand (IDM_NEWREC) currentview.body.branchno.text = RS.GetValue("branch") If RS.GetValue("order_suffix") = "" Then currentview.body.PONUMBER.text = RS.GetValue("po_number") Else currentview.body.PONUMBER.text = RS.GetValue("po_number") +"-" + RS.GetValue("order_suffix") End If currentview.body.recieved_from.text = RS.GetValue("salesman") currentview.body.SHIP_VIA11.text = RS.GetValue("ship_route") currentview.body.SHIP_TERMS1.text = RS.GetValue("freight_type") currentview.body.comments1.text = Left(RS.GetValue("cnr_card_type") +" "+ RS.GetValue("branch_specs"),110) currentview.body.comments11.text = jobcode + Chr(10) + RS.GetValue("special_ship") currentview.repeatingpanel.ITEMNO.text = RS.GetValue("prod_no") currentview.repeatingpanel.rp_qty.text = RS.GetValue("quantity") currentview.repeatingpanel.rp_sell.text = RS.GetValue("branch_cost_per_m") currentview.body.req_date.text = RS.GetValue("req_ship_date") currentview.body.ship_name.text = RS.GetValue("ship_name") currentview.body.sn2.text = RS.GetValue("sn2") currentview.body.sn3.text = RS.GetValue("sn3") currentview.body.ship_addrs.text = RS.GetValue("ship_addrs") currentview.body.ship_addrs2.text = RS.GetValue("ship_addrs2") currentview.body.ship_city.text = RS.GetValue("ship_city") currentview.body.ship_st.text = RS.GetValue("ship_st") currentview.body.ship_zip.text = RS.GetValue("ship_zip") currentview.body.ship_attn.text = RS.GetValue("ship_attn") currentview.body.ord_date11.text = RS.GetValue("ord_date") currentview.body.ord_date11.SetFocus currentapplication.applicationwindow.domenucommand (IDM_NEXT) ‘commits record Else Messagebox "The Item was not found. Please Try Again", 0 + 16,"Notes Query" End If CON.disconnect End If Finish: End Sub