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Last updated: 10 Nov 2002
Paul Bent writes: You have to use script to get the TS user, this statement will return the username:
Where you store this depends on how it will be used later. If it's to be available to scripts then assign it to a global variable. If to be available to macros, calc fields, default creation & mod formulas etc you need to transfer the username to a variable field.
You can run a script automatically when the apr opens by placing it in Globals - Initialize but if using later than A97 there's a bug to workaround. You have to:
1. Locate the DocumentOpened sub in the Approach object and enter a single comment character '. This avoids the bug where Initialize doesn't run when the apr opens but only when the first event script fires which can be a lot later.
2. In the Initialize sub, test for the name of the apr because it will now try to run when other aprs are opened too.
3. One other (harmless) bug is that having entered or modified code in the IDE and pressed F2 to test compile it, when you close the apr, Initialize will run! It's only a design-time problem but it throws you a bit to perhaps see an error that can only come from Initialize when you close the apr.
So if you were assigning the username to a global variable you'd first declare it in Globals - Declarations:
Public gstrUser As String
Then assign the user name in the Initialize sub:
Sub Initialize On Error Goto ErrTrap 'Check this apr is the active one With CurrentDocument If .Name = "xyz" Then 'Store the username gstrUser = .User 'Switch to the opening view etc '....... End If End With Goto ExitSub ErrTrap: Msgbox "Error " & Format$(Err, "#0") & " - message: " & Error$, 16, "System Error" Resume ExitSub ExitSub: End Sub
If you need to transfer the user to a variable field, the only way is via the Text property of a fieldbox on the active view. You can run a one off sub at design-time to make the fieldbox invisible. Say you create a variable field named vUser, option text, add it to a form and give the fieldbox an object name of fbxUser. Create a global sub to make it invisible, use the F5 key in the IDE to run the sub then save the apr.
Sub sHideCtrl CurrentView.Body.fbxUser.Visible = False End Sub
Sub Initialize On Error Goto ErrTrap 'Check this apr is the active one With CurrentDocument If .Name = "xyz" Then 'Store the username in a global variable gstrUser = .User 'Switch to view containing the variable field Set CurrentApplication.ActiveView = .Name~ Of~ View 'Store the username in the variable field CurrentView.Body.fbxUser.Text = .User 'Switch to the opening view etc '....... End If End With Goto ExitSub ErrTrap: Msgbox "Error " & Format$(Err, "#0") & " - message: " & Error$, 16, "System Error" Resume ExitSub ExitSub: End Sub